Sunday 18 January 2015

Sql Server Backups and Restore concepts with scenario

Backup and restore concepts

What is Backup?

Backup is the maintaining a duplicate copy of a data that is used to recover, when there is loss of data in the database.

Data loss will occur due to either hardware failure, user error (by mistake data was delete by user) or natural disaster.

Types of Backups?

          Full backup, differential backup, transaction log backup and file group backup.

Full back up: Full backup is to backup the entire data present in the database.

While doing a backup of the entire data using full backup, whatever the transactions are going at that time will be recorded in the log and we are able to restore the entire data from this backup file.  Here the entire backup contains database, logins, permissions etc.

Syntax: Backup Database <database name> to Disk =’<directory>\<file name>’ with INIT

Example: Backup database Raghu to disk=’c: \test\raghu.bak’ with init 

(Note: init overwrites the existing data)

Differential backup: A differential backup captures all the extents that have changed since the last full backup. Main purpose of this backup is to minimize the transaction log backup. This data contains only the changes that have made after every full backup and it is faster than full back up.  We need full backup to take differential backup.

Syntax: backup database<database name>to disk=’<directory>\<file name>’ with differential

Example: backup database Raghu to disk=’c: \test\raghu.bak’ with differential

Transactional log backup: This backup can be done only for the databases which are configured with either full or bulk-logged recovery model. Transaction log backup takes only the backup of committed transactions that has made after every full backup.

After taking the full backup only we are able to take log backup.

Syntax: backup log<database name> to disk=’<directory>\<file name>’ with init

Example: backup log Raghu to disk=’c: \test\raghu.trn’ with init

Scenario: how backup will works …….

          Let us take a full backup @ 6am every day, differential backup for every 4hours and transaction log backup for every 10 minutes .suppose now the time is 2pm than how many backups will be done?

Full backup                                        differential backup                                                      transactional log backups

6am                                                           10am (diff 1)                                                        every 10 mins from 6am

                                                                    2pm (diff 2)                                                          total log backups 48

Full backup was taken at 6am after that transaction log backup is going on for every 10 minutes and differential log backup has taken at 10am( contains all changes made after full backup that means transactions logs between 6am to 10am will be backed up and deletes log history in that period of time). Again 10am onwards Transaction log backup is going on for every 10 minutes and 2pm differential backup will be done (contains data between 6am to 2pm).

During restoring a database it will restore last full backup (6am), differential backup @2pm and transactional log backup after 2pm.

Question: what is the purpose of differential backup? What is the difference between differential and transactional log backup?


File group backup: with this we can take backup of required files without taking the entire database backup. File group backup   backups some portions of the database. File group backup will not be done without full backup. This consumes less disk space and faster. We can take file group backup with differential also.

Syntax: backup database<database name> file group =<’file name’> to disk=’<directory\name> with init

Example: backup database Raghu file group=file1 to disk=’c: \test\file1.bak’ with init

                  Backup database Raghu file group=file1 to disk=’c: \test\file1.bak’ with differential

Tail of log backup: Tail of log will capture all log records that have not yet been backed will capture the tail of log even if the database is offline, damaged or missing data files.


backup log adventureworks2012 to disk ='C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Backup\AdventureWorks2012.tailbak' with no_truncate


Mirrored Backup: Database Mirrored backup is that which copies of the backup file are simultaneously written into different locations.

Mirrored backups are used to create additional copies to protect your organization from media failure. When you use mirrored backup. Sql server reads the page from the data files once and then creates multiple copies as it writes the page to disk or tape.

This process has the effect of writing the same page of data to each mirror at the same time.


          Backup database databaseName to disk=c:\backup----

          Mirror to disk=c:\backup---- with format init


backup database pubs to disk='c:\demo\backup1.bak'


mirror to disk='d:\demo\backupmirror1.bak'


                with format go

Note: with format clause is used to format the existing data in the disk and if it is not done the mirror will fail. So, the FORMAT clause is required for a mirrored backup.


Copy-only Backup:

          Taking the backup of the database without disturbing the LSN.

It was introduced in sql server 2005. Normally taking the backup changes the database and affects how later the backups are restored. So, this is used to take a backup for a special purpose without effecting the overall backup and restore procedures for a database. Use with copy-only to perform this backup.


Stripped Backup:

          We will use stripped backup when the data file is too large and consumes more energy to do backup. So, stripped backup splits the files and takes the backup in parallel processing to increase the performance and decrease the time.


          Backup database adw

          To disk=’c:\backup\adw1.bak’,



Partial Backup:

           It was introduced in sql server 2005 to take the backup of only Read-write filegroup by eliminating the Read-only file groups in order to save the disk space and time.


backup database pubs read_write_filegroups to disk='c:\demo\backups\pubs.bak'.




Restoring a backup data: restoring a database is moving a data from disk to destination. We can restore a database with recovery, with no recovery and standby option.  Restoring process will be done based on the type of backup they have taken. Restoring consumes 30% more time than   backup data.

Restoring a full backup: restoring a full backup overwrites the existing database if database with that name already exists and if not restore operation will automatically create the files and file groups for the database before restoring pages.

Syntax: restore database <database name> from disk=’<directory\name>’ with replace

Example1: Restore database pubs from disk=’c: \test\pubsfull.bak’ with replace, standby=’c: \test\pubsstandby.stn’

In the above example the database is restoring with replace option in standby mode. Replace option overwrites the existing data and standby option allows the users only to select the statements without modifying the database.

Example2: Restore database pubs from disk=’c: \test\pubsfull.bak’ with recovery, replace

When a restore operation uses the withrecovery option, the database brought online, the LSN is rolled forward, and the database is allowed to accept further restore operations are allowed after you recover a database by using the withrecovery option.

Example3: Restore database pubs from disk=’c: \test\pubsfull.bak’ with norecovery, replace

When a restore operation uses the with norecovery option, the database or file group state remains set to this state,you can restore additional backups, such as differential and transaction log backups, to apply any changes that have occurred since the full backup was taken.

Restoring a differential backup: to restore a differential backup, you must first restore a full backup while ensuring that the database is not recovered. The most recent differential backup is then applied to the database.

Example: Restore database pubs from disk=’c: \test\pubsfull.bak’ with norecovery

                 Restore database pubs from disk=’c: \test\pubsdiff.bak’ with recovery

The first command restores the full backup, leaving the database unrecovered. The second command applies a differential backup and then recovers the database. For file group restore also same as fallows

Example: Restore database pubs filegroup=’fg1’ from disk=’c: \test\pubsfull.bak’ with no recovery

                  Restore database pubs   from disk=’c: \test\pubsdiff.bak’ with recovery

Restoring a transaction log backup: to restore a transaction log backup first we need to restore the most recently full backup. We can restore transactional log backup after restoring either full or differential backup. Based on LSN transactional log, we need to restore the transactional log backup which is most recently done with recovery.  


Example: Restore database pubs from disk=’c: \test\pubsfull.bak’ with norecovery

                  Restore database pubs from disk=’c: \test\pubsdiff.bak’ with norecovery

                  Restore log pubs from disk=’c: \test\pubsdiff.bak’ with recovery


Restore will be performed with the fallowing combinations:-

Restore (full backup only,

Full backup with differential backup,

Full with transactional log backup,

Full backup and differential backup and transactional log backup)


Backup & Restore:

Backup & Restore is one of the routine DBA task in day to day activity.


The below are the scenarios we get these backup & Restore tasks/tickets.


Often developers or testers need to get the latest data from production database, in this case developers or testers raise a ticket or send and E-Mail to take a backup of the latest production database and restore in test db server or development server.


Example E-Mail




Please take a fresh backup of Sales database on PROD2005 server and restore on TEST2005 server.


Once the db is restored please send an E-Mail with the update.



Testing Team




Please refresh the test sales db with production sales db.



Testing Team.


Refresh is equal to restore in real time environment.


Common problems you face while restoring a database from one server to another server.

1.     Data and log files are in different paths like on production server data files were placed M: and N: disk drive and test database data and log files are placed on O: and P: disk drives, in this case you have to use move option in restore command.

2.     Permission issues, sometimes after the restore users are not able to connect the database because some users get orphaned.

3.     Production db users are different than testing db users, after restoring the production db on testing database testing db users are lost there access to testing db to avoid this problem we should script out all the testing db users before restore operation so that you can add all these users after the restore.

4.     Space issues – We face space issues in the following scenario Prod db size is 100 GB and we do not have 100 GB free space on testing db server in this case our restore will fail with the error could not allocate new page.




Best practices


1.     Always script out the users before restoring a database then execute the same script after the restore.

2.     Always check the orphaned users after the restore so that no one will come to you saying that they can’t access the database.

3.     Always check the database size – Always we face issues while moving the big files from one server to another server. For example you have to move the 500 GB database from SERVERA to SERVERB it may take more than 12 hrs and after 12 hours while restoring you found that backup file is corrupted while transferring the backup file from SERVERA to SERVERB – to avoid these issues always use FTP software to transfer the .bak files so that there will be less chances of corruption.

Typically huge databases backup will be taken using third party backup tools like Quest - Lite Speed and RedGate, BMC SQL Back Track etc... There are lot of third party backup tools in the market. Third party backup tools may differ from company to company. Widely used tool is lite speed.


The below scenario is common problem while moving the huge databases like 100’s of GB.



Your prod db is 500 GB

You got a request from developer or tester to take fresh copy of prod db backup and restore on developer server or test server.


Your maintenance window for the prod database is 1 AM to 4 AM in this case you have just 3 hours maintenance window in this case you can’t finish 500 GB backup in 3 hours. Sometimes third party backup also may take more than 3 hours.


How to come out of the above problem.


All the production databases should have backup scenario like every Sunday night FULL backup and every day night between Mon to Sat night differential backup.

Here what you need to do is restore last Sunday FULL back up with NORECOVERY on test server before the maintenance window starts  then take fresh differential backup then restore final backup with RECOVERY.


By using above scenario, fresh differential backup differential backup may finish in 30 min and you can transfer in another 30 min and restore in another 20 min all together you can finish the restore of 500 GB db task in less than 1.20 hr.



Here if you take the FULL backup it will take more than 3 hours and transferring the FULL backup from one server to another server will take more than 4 hours in this scenario you can’t complete the task with in 3 hours.




1.     Understand and analyze the request like from which server to which server and at what time, db size ect… if you are not clear ask your co-worker or your lead and requester and clarify.

2.     Take a fresh backup of production db/ use the latest full backup which was taken by your SQL Server Agent job as part of backup scenario.

Note: If your db size is between 2 GB to 10 GB may be you can go for fresh backup because db size is not so big and you can transfer with in a time.


3.     Move it to the Target server.


4.     Script out the target database users


5.     Restore the database.


6.     Run the script which was taken at step 3.


7.     Check for the orphaned users and validate the database by running some small select statements.


8.     Send an E-Mail to the requester saying the restore is done and you need to close the remedy ticket.



Real Time backup and Restore Lab




Please take a fresh backup of Sales database on PROD2005 server and restore on TEST2005 server.


Once the db is restored please send an E-Mail with the update.







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